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ACT Combat with Enemy AI

An ACT combat game implemented using Unreal blueprint. I utilized the Decoupling Patterns to create a combat system for the player and the enemy AI using component system, blueprint interfaces, animation notifies, and Behavior Tree.

Team Composition



Game AI


Game Programmer

Programmer * 2


This is an ACT combat game implemented using Unreal blueprint. I utilized the Decoupling Patterns to create a combat system for the player and the enemy AI using component system, blueprint interfaces, animation notifies, and Behavior Tree.

  • Animations: Implemented complex combat animations and mechanics utilizing Animation Notifications, including Weapon Draw/Sheath, Weapon Locomotion, Attack Combo, Directional Dodge with Invulnerability Frames, and Hit Reaction.

Animation Blending Attack Combo Directional Dodge

  • Component Systems: Leveraging Decoupling Patterns, created reusable component systems like Combat, Weapon Collision, and State Manager, enabling efficient code maintenance and future extensibility.

  • Enemy AI: Engineered an intelligent Enemy AI system using Behavior Tree to process AI Perceptions including sight, damage sense, and hearing. Implemented enemy AI behaviors such as Patrol, Inspect, Chase, and Attack.

  • Blueprint Interfaces: Utilized numerous Blueprint Interfaces to have different entities react differently to the same trigger.

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